Ways to Get Rid of Acne and Tips for Preventing Acne | by Dr. Pimple Popper's

Tips for Preventing Acne | Get Rid of Acne for Smooth Skin. How to Get Rid of Acne. Most people find themselves suffering from an acne outbreak at some point usually during their adolescence when they go through.

Ways to Get Rid of Acne and Tips for Preventing Acne | by Dr. Pimple Popper's

How to get rid of pimples fast. Many natural methods are effective in treating pimples within a very short time period. But, nothing can bring down your mood quicker than a blackhead or blemish on a previously pristine face!. However, there are all-natural ways for how to get rid of pimples, including home remedies for acne that really work. You will also get to know a few tips and tricks, the causes of pimples, their types, and everything else that you need to know about pimples.

Dermatologist Sandra Lee, MD (aka Dr. Pimple Popper), might be famous for getting rid of zits, but she can also help keep skin clear in the first place.

How to Get Rid of Acne Fast | How to Get Rid of Pimples the Natural Way. Dr. Pimple Popper Answers Your Acne Questions. And Dr. Pimple Popper Shares Her Best Acne Tips.

Ways to Get Rid of Acne and Tips for Preventing Acne | by Dr. Pimple Popper's

Dr. Pimple Popper's Advice for 
How to Get Rid of Acne
Sandra Lee, MD, better known as Dr. Pimple Popper, on what causes acne, how to treat it, and even how to pop a pimple yourself.

Ways to Get Rid of Acne and Tips for Preventing Acne | by Dr. Pimple Popper's

Think you're the only one grappling with angry skin that erupts in breakouts? You and 50 million other Americans. Acne is the most common skin condition in the U.S., according to the American Academy of Dermatology.

Luckily, there's a dermatologist who's garnered quite the acne-obsessed cult following: Sandra Lee, MD, a board-certified dermatologist in Southern California—aka Dr. Pimple Popper. Her YouTube channel is crazy popular, recently logging its billionth view. In her videos, not only does she educate people on what acne is, but she features footage of all sorts of skin issues erupting, including blackheads, pustules, cysts, and more. (There's a "graphic and shocking" warning that precedes her videos—fair warning!)

Because she's the go-to guru for all things acne, we wanted to pick her brain for the advice she gives patients on the daily. Follow these tips and get closer to capturing clear skin.

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Ways to Get Rid of Acne and Tips for Preventing Acne | by Dr. Pimple Popper's

What is acne?
Acne encompasses a range of facial spots beyond just your latest breakout situation: black and whiteheads, pimples, pustules, cysts, and nodules, says Dr. Lee. A black or whitehead occurs when a pore is clogged with debris and oil. When those blockages build up, bacteria, specifically the P. acnes variety, can get involved. That triggers inflammation and infection, which causes painful red pimples.

You know when you're getting a pimple even before you see it. "When a pimple is under your skin, you can feel pain if you push on the area. That's when the bacteria is starting to irritate," explains Dr. Lee. As the spot gets redder and rises to the surface to become a pustule (aka a pimple that looks “squeezable”) your body is recruiting white cells in order to fight it off. "Your body is pushing out the pimple," she says. Cystic acne is a more severe form of acne; also pus-filled, cysts can be deep and have the potential to scar. A nodule is a hard, solid lesion that's also deep within the skin.

Dr. Pimple popper on what causes acne

Ways to Get Rid of Acne and Tips for Preventing Acne | by Dr. Pimple Popper's

What comes before the pimples even head to the surface of your skin? Though most people tend to get acne in their teens, women are more likely to suffer throughout their lives. "Acne is predominantly hormone-driven. Because of hormone fluctuations throughout your cycle, you may break out around your period or during ovulation," Dr. Lee explains. There are also genetic components that drive how likely you are to get acne, like how oily your skin is naturally.

The genetics of acne may be out of your control—thanks mom and dad!—but there is plenty you can do in the fight for clearer skin. Whether you have the occasional pimple, regular breakouts, or more serious acne, Dr. Lee has advice for you.

Dr. Pimple Popper's tips for how to get rid of mild acne

tips for how to get rid of mild acne

The best way to treat acne is to get into a skin care routine that actively prevents pimples. Here are Dr. Lee's must-have ingredients to look for in acne-fighting products:

Benzoyl peroxide. It's an antibacterial that eliminates P. acnes on skin. Look for this ingredient if you have lots of pustules, since they're an indication that you’re dealing with higher levels of bacteria on your skin. This ingredient won't be as effective when used on blackheads.

Retinol. This vitamin A-derivative targets white and blackheads by treating the ones you have and preventing new ones from popping up. "Since blackheads are the building blocks of acne, it's really important to prevent them with retinol," says Dr. Lee.

Salicylic acid. A master exfoliator, SA keeps pores clean, and it comes with a pretty cool bonus benefit too: "It crystalizes and settles into pores to prevent new acne from forming," explains Dr. Lee.

Even though you may be antsy to know if your skin care routine is working, it's important to give a new regimen two or three months before expecting results. (As long as your skin isn't irritated by a new product, of course–if it is, stop using it.) "Your acne didn't start overnight, so it won't disappear overnight either," cautions Dr. Lee.

Dr. Pimple Popper's tips 
for how to get rid of cystic acne

If benzoyl peroxide, retinol, and salicylic acid help a bit but not completely or if you have cystic acne, see your dermatologist. You may need something beyond topical treatments, says Dr. Lee. Here's the extra oomph that may make a difference.

Oral antibiotics. These help treat and prevent bacterial growth from an inside-out approach.

Birth control pills. These often help clear skin because they moderate hormone levels that might otherwise spark breakouts.

Spironolactone. This diuretic packs an anti-testosterone effect, which is especially effective in treating acne in patients with the hormonal disorder polycystic ovary syndrome or PCOS, says Dr. Lee. "Patients also like how it improves the feel of their skin by reducing oil production," she says.

Isotretinoin. If you experience deep, painful cysts and nodules, you may need more aggressive treatment. This oral derivative of vitamin A (commonly referred to by the brand name Accutane) shrinks oil glands and limits how much oil they produce. "This is a fantastic medication that does something no other acne medication does," says Dr. Lee. After taking it for four to six months, "we say that your acne goes into remission." Because the drug carries a risk of birth defects, you can absolutely not get pregnant while taking it, so patients are required to take pregnancy tests before, during, and after taking the med.

Should you pop a pimple?
The short answer is that you should maintain a hands-off policy on your skin. "Any time you traumatize your skin by picking or squeezing pimples, you're increasing the risk of infection and scarring," says Dr. Lee. That said, her pimple popping videos are popular for a reason: She knows people are going to pop pimples anyway!

Dr. Pimple Popper on how to pop a pimple safely
If you're going to take matters into your own hands, at least pop responsibly. Wait until the pimple comes to the surface of skin (you'll see the white, pus-filled head of the pimple). Popping a pimple when your skin is ready "will cause the most shallow trauma to skin and decrease the likelihood of permanent scarring," says Dr. Lee. You're also more likely to get everything out; if you don't, the spot will just get inflamed again.

Ideally, do this in the shower where warm water will naturally help open pores. Popping pimples in the shower also ensures you’re in a clean environment. Otherwise, use clean hands and put a warm compress on the pimple to help draw it out. After you squeeze all the contents out, wash your hands again to avoid spreading the bacteria to another site on your skin—or even someone else.

Why is acne such a big deal anyway?
No one dies from acne–so why treat it? "The answer is that it can deeply affect your psyche, behavior, and relationships," says Dr. Lee. If you've been grappling with acne for years, understand that pimples aren't your fault. There's at least one silver lining: "Having oily skin means you have built-in moisture, which keeps skin looking younger," she says. Remember that next time you wake up to a killer zit.

How to Get Rid of Pimples Fast - Best Acne Products and Treatments to Try | Beauty Tips

Ways to Get Rid of Acne and Tips for Preventing Acne | by Dr. Pimple Popper's